My Winter 2019 Hygge Challenge

Thanksgiving is over and I now have 8 batches of Turkey Carcass Soup in my freezer.  (I actually ran out of freezer safe containers!)

I’m reflecting on my words for 2019.  Comfort. Connection. Confidence.  They all served me well as guides through the year.  I’m using both my Passion Planner and Leone’s Shining Year Planner to finish up this year and start visioning my 2020. I am on the hunt for a word for 2020 and paying attention to the ones that cross my path often. This Words for the year2018 is a good list of words to choose from when deciding on a theme word for the year.  I have done this for a number of years now.  I also have made a vision board the last few years. I have in the past created a vision board on my own, or with an amazing group of friends.  My vision boards have also helped guide me through the year focused on my goals and values.

I have started my “Winter 2019 Hygge Challenge”.  Carving out a few minutes each day to feel comfort in my space.  What I like the most about Hygge is it is the intentional slowing down and savoring the comfort of what you are doing.  Three years ago my word for the year was Zest.  This is what I wanted, the intentionality of action.

I am spending my Hygge moment today with Aldi’s Candy Cane tea.  One of the things I am allergic to is tea  Yes everything fro the tea plant.  This makes warm winter drinks a treasure hunt.  I like plain peppermint tea and drink it often. This mint tea blend with the addition of cinnamon and chicory makes a lovely tea to spend your Hygge moment savoring.

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are starting to enjoy some Hygge moments of your own.

Thursday’s productive outing.

Today I am attending a short webinar. I decided to go to the library and listen/view and then finish the electronic items on my to do list.

It’s always nice to bring a snack and something to keep you hydrated. Today the last of the Madeleines and some Roasted Dandelion Root tea are my treats.

The other things on the table are

  1. Notebook and pen for taking notes
  2. Passion planner
  3. Magazines from the exchange to look for Vision Board material
  4. Laptop and headphones
  5. Snack and hydration
  6. Beautiful snowy scene outside
  • After getting my electric to do’s done I will do my next week planning in my planner and spend some time looking for some Vision Board inspiration in the magazines from the magazine exchange.
  • Happy Thursday!