Cygnet Tuesday (Week of May 14, 2018)

What I’m listening to in the car…..

This week I’m listening to Brené  Brown’s Daring Greatly.

What an amazing book.  Many with clutter issues have shame and blame and should’s about their situation.  The same goes for those with food allergies.  Letting go of the shame and blame helps put you on a path to healing and living a happier healthier life.


What is blooming in the garden…..

There are hues of purple everywhere.  I have Lilacs and vViolets and my Red Bud tree is an amazing iridescent pink.

I’ve used lovage in tuna salad and am almost ready to plant this years crops.


What is going on at Cygnet…..

I truly enjoyed my first NAPO conference (retreat) a few weeks ago.  I am currently using most of my spare time to finish the course work to get the NAPO Certificates.


What I’m cooking……

One of my goals for this year is to become a better bread baker (gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, soy-free, nightshade-free).  I made yeast rolls over the weekend and they were not too bad.  A little too dense to call a success but a great start.


Productivity tip of the week…..

Use the reminders on your phone!  I always put in things I don’t want to forget and have it pop up at least half an hour before I need to be at the event/need the item.  I’ve been known to set them weeks in advance.




April car reads….

I’ve been listening to books while driving my kids to the myriad of activities we are in every week. This weeks book was Wheat Belly by William Davis.

I have been gluten feee for ten years and This book was great. It reinforced my knowledge of why I am gluten free and also how hard it can be to pinpoint gluten as the cause of symptoms.

It was nice to hear some of the medical support and the reasons why there is not more support for a gluten free life style.

I highly recommend this book to those having health issues without a known cause and also to anyone who wants to live a healthier life.